Shelagh Brown
I am a multi-media artist working across installation, printmaking, collage, found objects, performance and spoken word. My work reflects on human behaviour, is inspired by current or historical events and darker themes, and evokes strong emotions. 
During Lockdown I responded to the current situation and events in the news.  My series of Postcards from Lockdown uses monotype and collage, combined with found poetry from news and media headlines – to engage with experiences of isolation, loneliness, fear, grief, and making the best of technology to make up for our loss of human connection and touch.
Finding a way of working at home during the first lockdown has now become a new normal way of working.

Found poem – Lockdown heroes

Lockdown heroes
Quarantined in Splendid isolation
Panic attacks before breakfast
Furloughed Dreams
And Sacrifice
Postcards from Lockdown 2020 Lockdown Heroes
Postcards from Lockdown 2020 Lockdown Heroes
Postcards from Lockdown 2020 Furloughed Dreams
Postcards from Lockdown 2020 Furloughed Dreams
An Arms Manifesto developed as a performance from an installation of found objects; a jumper stretcher, a pair of World War II crutches, and a pair of hand carved shoe lasts. Together they formed a strange hybrid figure, sculptural and strong, connecting ideas of hand-made craft, family and community, war and human vulnerability. The coat of arms theme was inspired by a New York Times article; Donald Trump appropriated a coat of arms, without permission, for his own use. ‘The copy, printed on everything from golf carts to socks, made a single small change: where the original said "Integritas", now it says "Trump".’ 
Playing on the term coat of arms, originally a cloth tunic worn over armour to identify warriors in battle, this alternative coat, with 5 metre long arms, symbolises a wide, human circle of embrace. The performance develops the theme of weapons and war in relation to human vulnerability and connection. This new performance, filmed outside during lockdown in 2021, exemplifies our human vulnerability and disconnection in the face of a global pandemic, in peace or in war.
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