Miss Yankey
British/Ghanaian Writer and Spoken Word artist Miss Yankey has captivated audiences from London to Paris, to New York, and as far as Melbourne. Her energy is unmistakable, every word she spills is carefully crafted, performed with passion, and loaded with authenticity. She wrote this poem as a call to action after a really heavy week in which 5 women disclosed abuse of one form or another to me. She was overcome with rage at a cycle of violence against women that seems to never end.                  
Whenever she is filled with emotion she tend to write. This piece is not supposed to be comfortable. She wanted people to hear the cold hard truth and ask question's of the society we live in. The focus in these situations always seems to be on the victim, who is often blamed, gaslit, and interogated. This piece is about perpetrators and the fact that more often then not they are hidden in plain sight. This poem inspired her to found www.instagram.com/safespoken which will work towards making the Spoken Word industry a safer space for women, non-binary people, and other marginalized genders. ​​​​​​​
“In Plain Sight”  Spoken Word
“In Plain Sight”  Spoken Word
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