Lilia Luján
The works Climate Change, Solidarity and Diversity are part of the CONCIENCIA.2020 series, within the Arte Comprometido collection (Culture of Peace, Human Rights and Equity, among others.) Alternate line to normal studio production. The pieces are in different formats, digital mixed technique.
The proposal intends to incite a root social change, shake consciences, reflect, reconnect and evaluate what is truly important. It is a testimony that explores through visual codes, intimacies, energies, feelings and emotions. There is also space for silhouettes, shades, textures, colors and signs that emphasize the poetic and spiritual charge of the images. The final reading is that we are all the same, souls in search, beings in the process of evolution, the rest is smoke.
Art is finally a universal language that provides feedback, strengthens the spirit and moves essential fibers of being, invites us to reflect on our identity and our existence; In addition, in a cathartic exercise, she questions us, confronts us, and makes us more aware; what in the global context does us all good.

Climate Change mixed digital photographic paper , 2020