Regina Basaran
Women all over the world are trying to get ahead professionally, while managing family and care work. They have got better results at school and studies, they bear children and raise them, they take care of elderly and sick people and still manage to work their way up the career ladder. Once there, they still bump up against a ceiling cemented by old, male, encrusted power structures that men let them look through, but hardly any men lend a hand in overcoming. However, it is also important to introduce young girls to power, responsibility, self-confidence, self-assertion and networking at a much earlier age, so that they will be able to take an outstretched hand discovered at some point.
My technique is a mixture of collage, decollage, acrylic transfer, lettering and acrylic painting on paper, canvas or cardboard. Bumping against the glass ceiling Torn between aspiration and expectation DOES someone have to dominate?

Bumping against the glass ceiling

Torn between aspiration and expectation